In the press: Removing the tech burden

CTO Thomas Kolbabek about how Golden Whale helps to streamline the onboarding process for new partners

Exclusive: Golden Whale - removing the technical burden

Partnering with a new platform or software provider may seem like a daunting task, particularly from an integration standpoint. Just the mention of the word ‘integration’ can conjure up images of technical headaches.

In this latest interview with iGaming Gazette, Golden Whale’s CTO Thomas Kolbabek explains how Golden Whale can help to streamline the onboarding process by working alongside its partners:


“Creating a seamless connection between technical structures always requires, that both sides understand the solution that is provided and the value that should be created. It must become clear early in the process, how the flow of information has to be shaped for the product to function not only properly but also with the lowest operational effort once deployed.

“In most cases, the biggest challenge is the already existing load on technical teams that have to maintain a large, complex structure while permanently adding new parts and connections to the overall system.

“As a team, for sure, being in the business for almost 30 years helps. In addition to that, we have looked at the technology from various angles, as supplier connecting to a multitude of systems around the world, as CTO of large corporate structures having to deal with multiple connection requests on different levels at the time and in many cases in between.

“We have handled more than 300 high-throughput structure connections and all thinkable scenarios in the last 15-20 years. So, we exactly know the pain points of infrastructure and process management in all the back-office systems of our business.”


Being able to remove that technical burden has become increasingly important in 2024, especially as more gaming companies are beginning to integrate more complex systems into their portfolio.

The key to achieving this, Kolbabek said, is flexibility in working with different systems and data sources.


“It has always been clear to us that when introducing a new product – and with ML in Gaming an especially complex one – we had to be as light as possible in technical load to our partners as we would have several points of interaction, depending on the use-cases our partners choose to solve and the existing structure that is established.”

“To achieve this lightness, we have developed the most versatile connection interfaces we could imagine. Whatever format or structure you keep data inside your systems, our goal was to ingest with almost no need for interaction with partners’ resources – be it DWH access, Kafka streams, file systems, APIs and so on – we have to be prepared to use the data source provided quickly and with low operational effort.

“The same is true for the way we deliver results back into the systems of our clients be it one or multiple systems, the same high demand on flexibility has been applied while developing the product connectors!”

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